[Vwdiesel] head gasket

RF72050 at aol.com RF72050 at aol.com
Fri Jan 7 18:31:05 EST 2005

    My 85 Jetta TD was doing the same thing a few  months ago (would blow the 
level sensor out of the coolant tank if I  built significant boost) and since 
I will eventually rebuild the engine  with Raceware studs, I thought why not 
try the studs now. I drained  the coolant to avoid filling a cylinder and 
locking it, just in case the gasket  decided to give out while I performed the 
work. Then, I carefully replaced  one head bolt at a time with the new studs 
(starting in the middle),  torqueing them fully, before continuing to the next 
one. I also  replaced the coolant reservoir and level sensor because the plastic 
threads  were distorted from all the times they blew apart. But, I have been 
driving it  daily without babying it and the head gasket appears to be holding 
Ray Folda

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