[Vwdiesel] Glowplug monitor ? ---( the Hagar system )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Jan 8 13:46:55 EST 2005

I am a PRACTICAL  type --?     what is that ?.

Simple :    use dial lights not Leds    use simple relays not solid state.
 Not opamps and  highteck stuff if BOILER gauges will do the job.

First question , is there voltage on glow plug buss?.       Number one solution ?    a
USA military surplus dial light --the one with the mechanical dimmer .    
Connect to buss.(eL cheapo ? 12 volt christmastree bulb)

Then the digital meter on the dash--- two wires ?    simple or what ?

First   turn to OHMS   is fuse ok ?   ---simple EH ?..    Fuse ok turn to 200 or 2000mv
I had to use 2000mv last time  ---it told me four plugs working.

Running down 9 volt battery ?   ---NO it has auto turn off.    Remember it works like an

So connect meter across two srews on fuseblock.      Best part
meter is always there for other testing.

If meter shows 12 volt ?      fuse is gone south.

This is the condensed experience of 70 years   ---think you can do better -?   step forward.


PS:   Simple as APLE PIE.

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