[Vwdiesel] Towing with a Rabbit ---(yes they are approved by VW for Towing )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Jan 14 14:03:28 EST 2005

pmdolan at sasktel.net       Pat  :   No I am not sorry for asking  -----BUT
as I read your tale  SAGA ?    ---I was hoping that you would say  that    you
started the Airboat   engine up full power    ----and that it got you
up the hill.    --- ah darn.

When I towed the  Bensen Gyrocopter     ---it would push    450 Lbs    no problem.

But towing with a Landrover    ?    no need   --- ah darn.

If I see a Rabbit in front with a 30 foot wide roll of Carpet ?      Morse code on the horn

Hi there Loren.     ----  

I am a Dane so wild OATS are  --IT .--- but I do know about Wild Rice and Airboats.
Where can we see a picture of the boats ?        And I will gladly  supply a Picture of
CF - PGH     ----Bensen on flots or wheels or     Skies ?    no picture.

And yes there is a super towing bracket sold that will make a Rabbit one hell of a tow
car.--   Made in California ?    it is costly  about 300 dollars US..

Last time I talked to GM  --- they said NO towing with my half ton pickup  period.
5.7 L  V8   Diesel    ---?????    but ok for a Rabbit ?.    Am I a melancolic    DANE ?

NO         BUT I am a Romantic   sentimental Dane   ----and living here right on HWY 101
I see towing every day  ----    one day last summer  I see this young woman on a Bicycle
with a two wheeled trailer    and a pair of twins   ---so cute that  I wish I had had my camera ready.

If she had been a single mother    and asked if I could spare a DIME ?    I would have given her 2000 dollars cash   without blinking.   ---   Yeah a romantic and his money are soon parted.

Towing two little ones like that  ?    IMHO too risky.


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