[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 141 --- ( &%§Æ fuddle duddle Glowplugs. )
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Jan 16 15:35:03 EST 2005
If I ever finish my investigations about why the plugs go south.
According to Val Christian --- it will be posted under Glowplugs.
Bying a Rabbit ? if it is 10 F or below now is the time -- Selling a
Rabbit ? July 80 F or better ---perfect.
I am talking about VW Rabbit Diesels 1977 to 1984 ---1.5L NA 1.6L NA and 1.6 Turbu.
If you have no problems starting ? at 10F soaked for 24 hours no blockheat ?
no need to read on. .. You got the picture . In this forum we posted many many
tricks to get her going.
# 1. Make sure all 4 plugs are glowing. -----Go to Canadian Tire and get a 34-0114-0
Ammeter 60 -0- 60 6.99 dollars Canadian. IMHO it is one fine looking
instrument ---with mounting hardware and kightbulb.7 or 8 nuts perfect for plugs.
Mount two 12 inch pieces of # 10 flexible wire. No need to disconnect
anything. . One end to glowbuss one to positive on battery -- and just read
it like it was a Voltmeter. In a snowdrift ? --I would anytime.
Equus Products Inc CA 92708. Same as my Dashboard Digital.
The Fuse is mounted on firewall in a black block 1.6 X 2.0 inch . cover on fuse comes off
really easy--just pull no tools needed.
The fuse is a flat strip of foil 10 thou Inch (US garbage) thick by 235 .35 wide
by 1.7 inch plus 400 Thou long..
I sit her with 5 brand new fuses clearly stamped 50 A. Normal fuses of that type
is Zinc melting point 419.50 C. Aluminium 660.32 C.
I have dissected all and I mean ALL the electrics on a 1980 VW Rabbits ----and let me tell you if you drive with a junper in place of a 50 cents Canadian fuse link ---- Not a good idea . ----- The jumper like Bart Wineland made is superb ----use say 10 thou
Aluminium to get home. (To get a proper fuse).
The VW fuse will not carry 50 Amps for any lenght of time ---my guess? less than an hour.
IMPORTANT : Find reason before jumpering,.
READ my lips ---after glow on my Turbo is being removed PERIOD . At 18 dollars Canadian?
As soon a alternator kicks in the voltage on plugs are too high for my liking.
For Afterglow ----11 Volts is not bad..
If Val Christian is correct that heatters are like Lightbulbs Westinghouse is my source,
If plug is %100 volts Watts are 100% Life 100%.
%108 volts Watts are 112% Life 50%
% 92 volts Watts are 88 Life 310%.
That should tell you that --- reducing voltage is a GOOD Idea.
Best way ? DIODES silicon. type. expensive but not for me ( 20 liter bucket
of dumpster diodes) One sitting on my postal scale ---250 gr. # 18840100 8031.
Mark Shepherd what did the Diodes set you back ---let us know numbers.
Today is sunday 16 jan 2005 and the half sassed Viking is up to his ass in white syuff.
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