[Vwdiesel] Diesel Jell Temp? --- ( you do not like Jelling ? )
Val Christian
val at swamps.roc.ny.us
Tue Jan 18 10:44:43 EST 2005
I ommitted additives in my earlier missive. They tend to work well,
but require mixing. The colder the temp, the more they need mixing.
I have never been able to "ungel" a tank with additives, but I
have been able to prevent gelling with additives.
Today's fuel formulations seem to do well in cold temps, at least
12F temps. 25 years ago, with (Hagar's term) Vasoline fuel, at
-30F in Upstate NY (Plattsburg, Ogdensburg, Saranac Lake, etc.),
it's a different story.
If you're stuck with a "bad" load of fuel, try adding extra
additive (10X for the tank) with several gallons of fuel in a
can. Warm the can indoors, overnight, and pour it in prior to
start. Cross your fingers.
Thnigs I've done, that I don't necessarily recommend doing:
propane torch on the fuel filter can, gentle propane torch/heat gun
on the injector pump, propane torch on the oil sump (a must
in true artic conditions with dirty oil), kerosine heated to about
120F (in a wash sink of hot water), propane or oxy/acetylene
torch in intake manifold (remove air horn and air filter),
salamander heater on fuel tank (with floor placed deflectors),
bucket of hot water, with fuel filter immersed in it, and so on.
> Owner manual says you can use up to 25% gasoline (regular, NOT high-test!)
> which will eliminate gelling.
> That's gotta be bad for lubricity of the pump, tho.
> Alternatively, diesel conditioners (such as Stanadyne or PowerFlo) will
> eliminate gelling and will increase lubricity as well.
> Gerry in Nanaimo BC (35cm of snow received over the last week has melted
> overnight... it's gonna be 10C today... heavy rain warnings).
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "H . Hagar." <h_hagar at prcn.org>
> To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 06:31
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] Diesel Jell Temp? --- ( you do not like Jelling ? )
> Folks,
> It's so cold you can't bounce a dead cat outside.
> It's 12 degrees Fahrenheit down here right now in old Virginee.
> The feels like temp is 2 Fahrenheit's..
> I know this sounds pretty weak to ya'll
> up in the land of the pale blue snow
> where it's 99 below.
> Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
> Mike
> IMHO . You hit the right forum ----and James Hansen is your man.
> 12 F ? balmy balmy James go around rolling up his sleeves. He
> sayes its cold , when
> he has to break the flames off the candles at night.
> Give us all the details about type and year of car. Jell temps are all
> over the map.
> I test a bottle in freezer from every load of fuel. If it jells at 12 F
> ? you are lucky you
> are getting good fuel---- lots of parraffin..
> Hagar.
> PS : I will trade fuel with you any time.----we get dogpiss up here. In
> the old days
> we had fuel go like vaseline at about 10 F, (good old fuel days)
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