[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 142 ---( Cold starting in STYLE )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Jan 20 11:03:28 EST 2005

MGA 1957   parked by where Milkman put the milk in the mornings,( real cold snap).

SAGA     starts   mid summer.    Starter button on dash could be mistaken for a HORN,
Girlfriends ------really rounded the ring gear teeth.
I install a Oil pressure switch   --BINGO  ---  oilpressure ? Button will not work ...

Switshcraft   made a  nice looking little toggle switch   ---UP ?   starter is engaged.
down ?    was springloaded  off ..

MG had a   handcrank   ----   Oil was slow to bleed off for a new try starting .
About 20 deconds ---that would give me time go to the front and help cranking with handle.

I was standing in front ready to insert handle   just as the Milkman got there.
Then the thing started on its own. ------- He looked at me but said nothing.

A   small   12 volt  NiCad   was used to make sure there was lots of spark.Feeding
coil only.

On a cold night I visited Hal Mordys farm  for some beer.      Steel gets weak when
cold .   ----First the Handcrank snapped like glass.   Then I was going to take batteries
indside to warm up and charge.   The  King Dick   screwdriver    snapped. ---- next ?
The SOFA   ---.Was the Lord saving me from driving drunk on slippery
roads back to Ottawa ?----

Now that was top of the line shape   Gasser  ----  20 year old Rabbit diesel ?    

Sofa job right off the bat-----


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