[Vwdiesel] $6.99 Ammeter from Canadian Tire
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Jan 23 12:04:02 EST 2005
----- Original Message -----
From: H . Hagar.
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 7:34 AM
Subject: $6.99 Ammeter from Canadian Tire
I could not resist the temptation any more annd bought one today ! Equus
model #6040 I forget the CDN part#, but a quick search will turn it up.
Mike in NB
I Hagar has no connection to cTc whatever.. ----------This is a 2 " instrument
and it is awesome for 6.99. Mike look at the bottom of dial --does it
say C700 - 100 - 37 ? cTc # 34 - 0114 - 0.
For you NON HAM types remember digital readout does NOT mean accute.
Meters are all over the landscape. -----Only a comparasion to a STANDARD will
assure it is accurate. For testing glowplugs ? accuracy is of no importance
repeatability is.
I am ticled pink with mine --- 4 plugs firing ? = 60 Amps 2 plugs ? 30 Amps..
Total time of test ? 30 seconds or less. ---And nothing to disconnect. Line up a Hundred
Rabbits side by side and pay me 2 dollars each ----there is my Cider for the month.
And that is before coffee break.
Today I promised to fool around with that piece of GM garbage called a Cavalier.
on a Sunday ? ----outright blashphemy. If owner was a male ? I would tell him
to go to hell. --YIEKS.
Give me a Rabbit to work on ---any time.
PS : I have many meters that I owned since 1945 and they still work.Really
good meters have RUBY bearings and GOLD springs ----and fancy
magnets. ----Gavrik Peterson gave me one -----mind boggling magnet for its size.
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