[Vwdiesel] clock

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Mon Jan 24 11:56:32 EST 2005

Chuck Carnohan wrote:
> I have an '81 that only has 50K miles on it.  When I drove it home, the
> clock worked perfectly.  After I had gone through it replacing timing
> belt, a motor mount, typical maintenance stuff, the clock never worked
> again.  Go figure.....  Another Rabbit (81 pickup) I drive has a clock
> that runs great no matter how many times I disconnect the battery or
> work on the vehicle.  They are quartz clocks and either run or not
> (kinda like the lottery- you either win or you don't). So, chances are
> 50/50 as to the clock working or not (same with lottery).  Odds are
> another thing altogether! A wrecking yard is your best bet.
> Chuck Carnohan

I have a little repair tip for the in-dash clocks on my web page:


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