[Vwdiesel] Heater box woes, 86 Golf

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Tue Jan 25 11:24:31 EST 2005

> Who in blue blazes had the bright idea of installing these ornery spring
> clips up in behind and on top of heater boxes where only someone with
> fingers like the likes of Freddy Kruger could reach them?

  Ahh, the catch is you're only supposed to install or remove them 
when the heater box is out of the car!  ;-)  I seem to remember when 
I did the A/C evaporator I either had to leave one or two off or the dealer 
had when they did my heater core.  Buggars to get off but at least 
you don't have to put them back. Of course you're supposed to leave 
the BOLT attached!  ;-)

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