[Vwdiesel] Heater box woes, 86 Golf ---- ( someting about Smith )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Jan 25 11:15:45 EST 2005

Perhaps I am somewhat overly miffed as my other 2 daily drivers are in
various states of disrepair, so working on the Golf "for fun" is not so much
"fun" anymore.

Mike in NB

Hagar to Mike in NB   and ALL .    If you get your hands on a  VW  diesel   for  
100 dollars Canadian ?  ----get on your knees and say thank you Lord.

Or like I do    thank you Odin.

In Canada the      VIN   numbers do NOT  rust   --- there is 100 dollars ?  ----the pump
works ?   ---   there is 100 dollars      Mike and you are complaining ?

I hope you All      get the importance of  using  Never sneeze on all Thereads..

ALL THTREADS    and things like splines.


PS :   No blue nails ever ?   NO skinned knuckles ?   ---- do not give up ---
you will get em.   ---- 

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