[Vwdiesel] when is it cold enough to use anti-gel diesel additive?
jon at kenneke.com
Fri Jan 28 14:51:59 EST 2005
It is interesting to talk about lubricity additives:
I regularly use 2-cycle oil, and I can hear the difference. But, what
makes a *HUGE* different is when I run a percentage of filtered motor oil.
I've got a spiffy setup where I filter used motor oil (DINO OIL!!!! No
Synthetics!!!), and add a couple gallons to the tank before I fill up.
The engine run sooooo smooth, it purrs on the used motor oil. Smoke and
smell output don't increase (at least that I can detect).
I know some folks have raised issue about combustion and acid products in
used motor oil might be *bad*, so there is my disclaimer.
I also use straight veggie oil (through a fuel heater, of course) in the
summer. I don't have an in-tank heater, so I can't run it in the winter
(even in our mild Oregon Climate).
On Fri, 28 Jan 2005, Chuck Carnohan wrote:
> Bryan,
> Some of us use the stuff year-round for other reasons. I use the Power
> Service brand from WallyWorld- Cetane boost, lubricant, anti-gel. It is
> inexpensive and I've had no problems with it. I also put about a cup of
> 2-cycle oil in the fuel additive (Thanks Roger Brown) to make sure the
> injection pump is getting lubed. The old 1.6L NA's were designed and
> built for the old diesel fuel pre-emission control. So, today's diesel
> does not have the lubricity of yesterday. There is much diatribe in the
> archives about fuel additives for lubricity~ Hagar in the lead!
> The diesel you buy this time of year should already have additives to
> prevent gelling. Adding the available juices to your store-bought fuel
> only makes it better for your engine, helps clean the system and, lubes
> the pump and valves.
> Another good additive is Marvel Mystery Oil- Amazing lubricating
> properties and comparatively inexpensive. The stuff leaves a
> lubricating film upon combustion too! Really good in old gassers that
> tend to foul plugs.
> I worked for a grass farmer (golf course variety) when I was a kid. He
> ran swathers w/Wisconsin air-cooled engines. He kept a 50-gallon drum
> of Marvel in the fuel pump shed, adding the stuff gas at fill-up
> religiously. He swore that it reduced the need to rebuild these engines
> by 200%. Slippery stuff before and after combustion.
> Chuck Carnohan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com]
> On Behalf Of 82 Diesel Westy
> Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 9:29 AM
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] when is it cold enough to use anti-gel diesel
> additive?
> I was wondering at what temp do you guys spring for
> the bottle of anti gel fuel treatment and what brand
> do you like.
> Thanks, I was 5 this morning and I did not get to put
> my block core heater in before the sh-t hit the fan
> here in NJ. So, a 60 watt light bulb under the hood
> all night did help, but I am still afraid of gel.
> Thanks, Bryan
> =====
> Bryan Belman, Pt Pleasant, NJ
> 04 Jetta Wagon TDI PD, 100hp, 5sp
> Restoring 82 Diesel Weekender from my old rusty 82 Westy 1.9NA
> 90 Audi 200, 2.2L Turbo FWD
> 70 Type 1 stock Beetle
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