[Vwdiesel] fuel consumption during idle?CCCcccold here !

Mike & Coreen Smith ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Fri Jan 28 18:21:25 EST 2005

Have you got access to Falcon pipettes ?

Too cold for falcons to fly here.   They freeze as soon as they're airborn.
Real answer>>......What is a Falcon pipette?

and ether ?

I probably could find a can of ether here somewhere in NB.  What kind of
effect is that gonna have on it if I use it twice a day for 2 months though?

  ---------- On an old girl like that
move pump two pencil lines  ----advancing pump does wonders to starting
Retard again when it warms up out there.

OK, until Brian gets my Bentley manual here ($$ enroute), I'll need to be
reminded which screw is for advance on the pump.

BTW, when I put the 5w30 synthetic in last night (or was it 10w30........I'm
THAT forgetful today) my fresh oil with only 100kms on it was BLACK !
Should that be?

 And get four plugs  working.

I may have to settle for just 3 at the moment.......I know I know.,...but if
I break that plug off I have absolutely $0.00 to repair it.  I'm serious.
Nada, nope, ain't gonna happen. Seriously.  Zero.

      How old is the battery ?.

Brand spanking new.  1000CCA.

A remote starter is one way to do it.    --------   Guys like James Hansen ,
Sandy Cameron , Val Christian
and Hagar would have that thing start at 30 below. . Like likkety split.

No $$ for a remote starter.

BUT  it is a PITA situation.  ----look around for a place to plug it
in. ---- Power ?      400 watt for ten
hours ?    4 kwh   ? Right ?   that is only   0.06190 X 4     =    $
0.2476 (here)    a quarter ?  canadian ---shit I would pay them a Dollar US
for a plug in.

No parking spots for staff near the bldg where I work. (a large
hospital)..........if there was any chance, I'd have 4000 folks on my back
(and every other person in hierchy) wondering how I managed to get an outlet
for MY car and why I was SO special. .... too many politics, 0% chance of
that so I am gonna rule that out.

I did have one idea to "help" starting though.........I wonder if this would

  I have a 4 yr old battery from my 4x4 (750CCA I think) I could put in the
trunk of the Golf.  I could plug the block heater into a DC>AC power
inverter rated @ (I think) 250w to run the block heater off the "spare"
battery for an hour before I went out to start the thing at the end of the
day.  This assumes my block heater only uses <250w @ 120VAC.......I think
this may be in the ballpark.  I am sure my "spare" battery would take a sh!t
kickin' and would need to be charged nightly here in the garage, but for a
month or two, if it didn't cost me anything except the electricity here @
home I could manage that.

Anyone ever tried this?

The whole idea of running the Golf was to save $$...........so far I'm into
it for $1400++ and am OUT of cash...now I have to look at solutions which
cost virtually $0.00 LOL !
(I probably could swing buying a can of ether, but I spent my last $40 on
synthetic oil and #1AWG battery-starter cable.


PS :   go  0 W 30 . and put a good ground on the starter.   "Nutmeg "
remember ?

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