[Vwdiesel] Hagar; re: jelling

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Jan 29 17:26:54 EST 2005

Try naptha or coleman fuel - pay more for fewer octane improvers! - I use it 
to blend w/WVO in summer.


Right you are  IMHO    Hagar. 

My testbottle #  1 .          Parowax   and gasoline

                    #  2 .          Wax         and  Coleman  Lamp fuel.
                    #  3 ..             Wax         and   Toluene.
                    #  4.            Wax and  Xylene .
Many bottles     being  filled    --------- as soon as they are empty .  Great bottles
so easy to rinse        Looking for the best solvent with a high cetane rating.

So far the best by far is Kerosene. or   Turbo  A -1  freezing point  minus 60 F.  -- 51 C.

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