[Vwdiesel] Starting a cccccold Rabbit ---( Mike Smith Bondo Golfy ).

SLATERSFB at aol.com SLATERSFB at aol.com
Sat Jan 29 17:54:27 EST 2005

I Hagar say thank you Mike for this one  ---starting a 100 dollar   85 Golfy  
 when the
mercury say   minus 20 C  is a real challenge. 

Here is something I have done on 2 cars & it is free, easy to do and helped 
cold cranking speed noticably:
The battery ground on my 91 N/A Jetta (Gina) is connected to one of the bolts 
that hold engine to trans near the fire wall. This is a long way for 600 amps 
to travel to get to starter, and also assumes there is good connectivity 
between trans, engine & starter. Not always the case what with all the salt used 
on roads.
Remove ground at trans and also remove top bolt which holds starter to trans. 
Carefully, using a tapered reamer, enlarge hole in ground cable lug till it 
just fits starter bolt. You may have to use a flat washer also to keep ground 
cable from winding up when bolt is tightened. I hope this helps someone get 
started. It is a lousey feeling to be unsure of your ride when you need to get 
Last Friday morning temp was -12F here. Gina starts instantly; no block 
Good luck. 

Bob in NY

Hagar, what is Hexyl Nitrate? You add this at banjo on pump? 5cc's?

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