[Vwdiesel] Is it a rumble in the jungle?

Mark Shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Sat Jan 29 19:04:54 EST 2005

...or the start of a science thread...
I had this thought:-
The diesel is more efficient than the gasser, yet it still
losses 30% or so power to the coolant.
What if we could reduce this loss?
Can I assume that although the block is water cooled most
heat is lost through the head because this is when the fuel
is ignited within the confines of the swirl chamber and a
few mm of cylinder cavity and so the greatest temperature
differential occurs...
What if this 'pocket' was insulated?
Well there would be less heat loss through the head, and the
heated chamber would be hotter but the head would be cooler
and less likely to warp(maybe)...
If the chamber is hotter then the gasses are higher pressure
and create more thrust and so more power.
Melt down of piston?
 Coat the piston head also...
If there is more power then we can get back to the same
pre-treatment power by injecting less fuel which would then
return hot gases back to their initial temperatures...
I know that there are some threads somewhere on chamber
coatings; but I'm not sure of where they are or what the
reason was for doing it (protection purposes maybe  or
 Mark(The Miser)UK

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