[Vwdiesel] Starting a cccccold Rabbit ---( Mike Smith Bondo

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Jan 30 12:29:32 EST 2005

On the number of GPs, I also disagree.  Yep, all four is ideal, but I
had a '79 Rabbit where #2 broke off, and remained out of service for 
well over 100Kmiles, and for several winters, including ones where I
regularily started the car at -20F (-30C).  Without ether.

  Yes, but...  Mike in NB probably (or does?) have marginal compression, 
probably bad injectors, could have a slow starter and one known dead 
gp.  Could have a couple that heat on the side or barely get up a good 
glow for all we know.
  In a known good starter, it'll start with some finesse, on 3.  Not likely 
on a difficult starting engine.  
  I guess James and I must use starting fluid differently than some 
people do.  I just can't see how damage could be done they way I've 
always used it.  Small shot in the intake (car, tractor) and crank.  
Usually takes a couple revs before it hits the engine, is dispursed 
and fires right up with minimal rattle.  If gp's are still operable then 
it usually grunts very slowly and doesn't want to turn over so just 
stop and wait for it to dissapate and either bag the ether or the 
glow plugs.  Flush it out between tries too.

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