[Vwdiesel] IDI vs TDI injectors

Lee Hillsgrove hillsgrove at adelphia.net
Sun Jan 30 15:13:34 EST 2005

> Can anyone speak about servicing TDI injectors, vs. VW IDI injectors?
> I was looking under the hood of my TDI wondering whether the injectors
> are rebuilt and tested the same way.  All these years I havn't canabalized
> a hydraulic jack yet, but perhaps I could convince myself if it would
> also benefit me on the TDI.
> Has anyone serviced both types of injectors?

 I've not serviced both types, but I can tell you that the TDI injectors are
set up with a two-stage injection. Because of this, they really should be
set up with a machine that can check for it - and I believe they are in very
short supply.

 Best bet, IMO, would be to get a set of nozzles from Kerma (
http://www.kermatdi.com/ ) and have him send them to Greg (
http://www.lubricationspecialistllc.com/index.php ) along with your
injectors for setup.

 If you want to change them yourself and assume the break pressure and pilot
injection will be OK, Kerma has a how-to on his page.

 Even a real DIY guy like me would send my injectors to be set up. YMMV.


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