[Vwdiesel] Biowillie

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Mon Jan 31 01:14:43 EST 2005

I took a wrong turn tonight and passed right by the Biowillie station in 
Carl's Corner, Texas.  It's there all right--one pump with B20 
Biodiesel.  The truck stop itself, though, looks like Fallujah.  And I 
saw it at night. 

The price was 2.219/USGal.  That's about 22-33ยข higher than the 
surrounding area for regular Diesel.  One benefit of Carl's Corner, 
Texas, however, is that the surrounding area contains no other buildings 
for about 15 miles in any direction that I could see in the dark.  
Interestingly enough, the price for regular Diesel was the same.  I 
guess they need the money to re-decorate.  Probably a way to sort of 
encourage the purchase of Biodiesel. 

Anyways, a datapoint. 


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