[Vwdiesel] Bunny No Crank

Chuck Carnohan Chuck.Carnohan at itd.idaho.gov
Mon Jan 31 10:41:27 EST 2005

Greetings everyone!  I have a new Bunny in my hutch~ '81 4dr L.  I did a
bunch of maintenance work on it last week (axles, timing belt, VC
gasket, etc.) and it was running beautifully.  Yesterday I replaced the
radio antenna, while under/into the dash I pulled out a defunct cruise
control (if anyone wants it for shipping , let me know).  So, I thought
I'd take it for a spin and nothing.  The glows go, everything seems to
be powered-up.  Battery is fine.  I didn't take the fuse box loose or
intentionally remove any other wires.


Now when the key is turned to start- No click, no nothing.  I must of
pulled something loose under the dash.  What would you recommend I look
for first?  




Chuck Carnohan


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