[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 174 --- ( 04 July 2005 ---and I am still here ? -WOW )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Jul 4 13:16:43 EDT 2005

Amerika is a BIG BIG part of Hagars life------just like Germany and England..

But the July four is a big thing to some of my Amerikan  friends ----- so I shall hold
my criticism ---and say -----HAVE FUN.

Here in Hagars  Tarpaper Shack   it is   July 4 all day -----CSPAN 1  --CSPAN 2.   and
1999 World almanac     --------     Hell I know more about the Constitution of USA
than I do about the Danish Constitution.  ---go figure.

If I live long enough ? that will be corrected.  ----READ MY LIPS .

Read my lips is a joke up here ---so pay little attention.

Well  04 july  1777 sure was the start of something BIG ?  ---EH ?


PS :    From Ohio where did the Slaves go ? --EH ?   jep Kanada..

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