[Vwdiesel] Re: Normal Water Temperature

Wade Yorke wade at carsand.com
Thu Jul 7 21:51:12 EDT 2005

There has been much discussion on the position of the temperature gauge 
needle in relation to the LED but what temperature is considered 
normal?  I have just installed a VDO water temperature gauge and the 
engine runs at 200 degrees at light load (needle just above LED while 
the old waterboxer read just below the LED).  If I run at more than 
3200rpm on the highway water temp goes into red although I haven't had 
it on the highway since the new gauge has been installed to see an 
actual temperature readout on the VDO gauge.  What is the maximum safe 
water temp?

Wade Yorke
Nova Scotia
'84 Westy 1.9TD

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