[Vwdiesel] Re: Virtues of driving a diesel

rOLf peCHUkas rbp at 4u2bu.org
Fri Jul 8 14:20:36 EDT 2005

> This afternoon I was driving downtown when I noticed that I was on 
> empty. I
> drove around for a while looking for a Gas statoin but couldn't find 
> one. So
> I did what any good VW diesel owner should do. I found a grocery store 
> went
> in and bought 6 litres of virgin Canola oil. Poured it into my 86 Golf 
> in
> the parking lot. (Go a few strange stares) And then drove home. 75km.
> smiling ear to ear. :-)

might want to top up the ol' tank w/ (bio)diesel
or your injectors might not be so thrilled w/ you in coming days
(they need a thin fuel to be happy, but it does not have to be 
(I always liked the smell of virgin Canola best - it actually makes me 
want to breathe more exhaust - WVO never had that effect on me)

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