[Vwdiesel] Hillbilly Tuning for beginners --( Gavrik Petersons
1.6L NA Rabbit )
James Hansen
jhsg at sasktel.net
Sat Jul 9 20:06:19 EDT 2005
I just noticed that the design of the oilfilters I use have been
redesigned ---FRAM
Now they are sold by Honeywell not AlliedSignal.--I get mine from Wal-Mart.
They do look
like they were IMPROVED.
If you took an axe, and chopped off the first two inches of any Fram oil
filter it would be an improvement over the previous design. They are shit.
Best advice I could possibly give is to not use such thing unless you are
stranded out in the Gobi Desert, a rock has ripped your oil filter off the
car, and a mobile shop truck drives up. The driver of said truck then
proceeds to PAY YOU MONEY TO USE IT, installs it for free, and gives you
another handfull of money and precious gems, along with a new crate
longblock to install when the filter dies and ruins the motor you are
currently enjoying...
But then again, I have so much trouble forming and conveying an opinion....
use whatever filter you wish.
I'm gone on holidays to the mountains where there are less bugs that here.
See y'all, have a great July
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