[Vwdiesel] Re: Virtues of driving a diesel
Sandy Cameron
scameron at compmore.net
Tue Jul 12 09:41:51 EDT 2005
At 08:17 PM 7/11/05 -0700, you wrote:
>LOL, last thursday, I had a half tank of about a 50%
>mix of diesel and oil in the tank.
I have found that in summer weather, 50% is the limit for reliable starting.
>Eventually, the fuel return got the tank warmed up and
>the power picked up, but I certainly learned that the
>engine didn't like that thick of fuel!
There are a couple of other issues related to the jettas and golf fuel systems.
There are 2 check valves in the diesel fuel system that don't much like WVO.
They are constructed of plastic with what looks like a rubber disk flapper
that seals the valve against the return of fuel to the tank. It tends to get
very sticky when exposed to wvo, and won't open properly, starving the
engine for fuel
Of course, if too thick, the oil will have trouble getting through the
conventional fuel filter.
Often restaurant oil has liquid shortening in suspension, which will quickly
plug the filter.
That's the most common cause of loss of power.
Solution: Heated filter, or enough solvent (diesel fuel) to disolve the
semi-liquid veggie.
Soya bean oil tends to precipitate at cool temps well above freezing.
Testing your oils in small bottles in the fridge will demonstarte the
presence of waxy components. Be careful noone else in the family mistakes
the contents and tries to drink it:-)
For 100% WVO, a separate fuel system must be created with materials that are
not affected by the veggie oil (hoses etc.), and components that allow free
flow of the thick oil.
Also, the oil must be heated to engine coolant temperatures to flow through
the injection system properly.
So, the dual system with appropriate heaters is needed to do it.
I haven't got there yet, I have the 6 port valve, and hope to have the
system in before fall.
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