[Vwdiesel] removing cam bolts - '93 EV

rbp at 4u2bu.org rbp at 4u2bu.org
Sun Jul 17 14:50:10 EDT 2005

sorry to keep asking for help, but I have limited tools/information/experience

the head shop reinstalled the two timing gears at either end of the cam, but
they are not timed to anything (I don't believe either of these gears is keyed)
so I am assuming they are wrong

I don't have a vise or an impact wrench at my disposal

can't figure out any way to lock either of the gears (the way you can lock the
pump gear)
I've been trying to turn the bolts against eachother w/ no luck (3 ft extension,
standing on the head, etc)

anybody have any tricks for removing either of these bolts?

I need the cam-pump gear off to lock the cam so I can time cam to crank
and cam-crank gear loose to adjust cam-crank time, correct?


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