[Vwdiesel] Error posting smileage

Area31 Research Facility stephensrw at stn.net
Mon Jul 18 07:56:48 EDT 2005

Recently I made a claim that I had achieved about 67 MPIG on my 1991, 1.6 TD
Jetta after installing a low restrictiion dual exhaust system.  I seem to
have made a measurement error.  I took the car for it's first long drive
yesterday to go fetch a major generator component for my wind turbine
project.  I  logged exactly 400 kilometers starting with a full tank of
fuel.  I filled it back up after travelling 400 highway kilometers at an
average 80-100 km/h speed.  It took exactly 20 litres to refill making my
usage 5 litres/100 km.  That works out to about 57 MPIG.  It seems that I
still have work to do to achieve my goal of breaking 60 MPIG.


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