[Vwdiesel] '93 EV no-start - help ??

Sandy Cameron scameron at compmore.net
Mon Jul 25 15:29:16 EDT 2005

At 02:06 PM 7/25/05 -0500, you wrote:
>just reassembled engine w/ a rebuilt cylinder head
>(this is a 5-cyl 2.4L n/a Canadian diesel type-AAB engine)
>she's not catching, trying to figure out why

The Canadian take on the canadian engine:

After a major operation, just like humans, it's best to start an IV drip.
With a small (gallon) jug and some tubing, start a syphon and hang it up
above the engine so gravity will feed it to the pump. Connect the tube to
the filter input for safety.
This will ensure the pump is full when you attempt to start.. Eventually the
fuel will pass throught the pump to the tank, and your gallon will disapear
(unless you rig a return line to the jug)

If it does not fire right up, crack the nuts on 2 or 3 of the injectors and
see if fuel is being delivered to the injectors. If not, you have disturbed
something in the pump. Getting those springs and the lever back on is a real
SOB-job. It has to be indexed just right. I took one off once and spent
about an hour trying to find the right spot for it. It's not keyed.
I would turn the shaft counter-clockwise until I can feel tension from the
springs inside,, then index the lever to idle, and clamp it. Might have to
be turned a little into the tension to actually get to idle.

You might have to hold the throttle open somewhat to get it started and hold
it there to keep it running (not too fast, just to keep it from stalling.

Once you get the fuel issue solved, you can proceed with the throttle shaft
If it stalls when you alow the lever to rest on idle, you still have to turn
the shaft some more counter-clockwise

at could be wrong (other than the head rebuild),
>please let me know
>BTW, when I spin the engine by hand, I hear a series of "pocking" sounds, like
>tennis balls on concrete
>not loud, and not on every cylinder, but maybe 3 out of 5
>I am assuming this is valves closing

That would be a normal sound to hear from the intake, which is why they put
silencers on the intake.

It should be obvious when you crank. the starter should grunt on every
compression stroke.

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