[Vwdiesel] axle interchange...91 jetta

raymond greeley rgreeley2 at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 27 00:24:26 EDT 2005

Hello all, I have a 91 jetta that needs a new boot on the passenger side=
outer. I thought that i might get a back up "complete axle" during half
price wednesdays at the local bone yard whille i wait for the two new boots
to arrive and then make the repair to the orig axle.
to my surprise, when i cross referrence part numbers at autohouz for a gaser 
(my bone yard has only gassers) it shows a different boot part number.
Could someone enlighten me on which gasser axles will fit my jetta.
Also, i need to purchase a new star socket to remove the bolts at the
trans axle. car quest carrys a set which includes the one i need for twenty
bucks and the local matco tool rep charges about the same for just one.
This has been a very busy year as I work through a total rehab of my home
so any time saving advice wil be greatly appreciatedl.
One last thing, I felt i could buy some time and repack the worn boot with 
which still has some grease in it by the way.

thanks, ray

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