[Vwdiesel] Starting problems confusing

HWY9FERGS at cs.com HWY9FERGS at cs.com
Wed Jul 27 13:37:43 EDT 2005


> Doug Wrote

With the circuit activated, if the current is going on 
> through unimpeded you won't read voltage. Any wire, cable, crimp, etc, you 
> might suspect the circuit breaking down, if you put the meter leads on either 
> side of it and activate the circuit, being able to read voltage means the 
> circuit has resistance (bad). 

I'm so confused!
If ckt is activated, shouldn't we read 12 volts????
12 volts on good wire.
Less volts on NO-good wire.
I wish to test my wiring from battery to starter, section by section.
I understood a drop in voltage was a focal point of concern.
Is this a practical approach for testing the wiring? 
Thanks Mike in 

Hi, I understand, it can get confusing. It's hard to make it really clear, 
but there's more than one way to check these things. It depends on where you are 
putting our leads. If you ground your neg lead and then just touch your pos 
lead to various points in the circuit, yes, you will read voltage when the 
circuit is active. If you read one voltage on one side of a connector and a 
different voltage on the other side of it, that is a perfectly good way of detecting 
a "drop." I was talking about another way of doing it. Best of luck, Doug 

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