[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 181 ----( USA Energy Bill and Hagar. )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Jul 29 12:03:50 EDT 2005

Go back to the drawing board on this one Hagar.
Nuff said!

I Hagar set out in life under a very restrictive Socialist regime ---that was overlaid by
a Gestapo and SS and so on from 1940 to 1945.-----BUT I never recall being particularly
unhappy about my lot in LIFE. -----as a matter of fact I am a survivor in any system .
The day I stepped out of the train in Texas in 1953 ?  WOW WOW I have no words to tell you
all how great the FREEDOM was---I said it many times in this forum ---I was like a Colt
let out of the barn in the spring.------and man did I kick up my heels.

And by the way Loren how did you know that I actually have a real professional drawing
board ?.

Listen for 10 hours to US.House  ( House of reps) talking about ENERGY. ---and then tell
me that is not a cesspool of STUPID ignorant uninformed blabbering ?   ---and the R's have
it.---yeah I am hard on the D's as well.
The biggest waste of OIL   --and remember I was not saying use of oil --I said
WASTE ----by a mile is the Concorde and Konkorski. ----Remember I am a flyboy ---and I
know exactly how much fuel they use --and what good it did us all. ALL.---remember we are
ALL in the same sinking boat.
I like jokes and I cant help saying we live in the Effluent society.----If I was GOD I
would make the world ALL Amerikan  --and run by Pierre Trudeau -and Lester B Person and
Tommy Douglas ---and so on.yes Carter would be at the table.---BUT never Nixon --or  Regan
or Bushes or  Clintons or  --well you get the idea ? right ? --JAH ?
Hagars definition of WASTE ? ----simple what can be moved across Amerika by Rail --move by
rail NOT Trucking or Air. What can be moved across the Ocean ---move by Ship NOT
As GOD I would be one heavy hand ---let me tell you guys ---I see the future as clear as
anything ---and I do not like what I see.----BUT worse I do NOT like what I hear in the

Ramblings finished for this time ---LOL . ( I earned at least one LOL Jah ?).


PS:    at one time I almost bought a Rambler Car.

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