[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 181 ----( USA Energy Bill and Hagar. )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Jul 29 13:59:15 EDT 2005

Hagar spends a lot a LOT of time reading your stuff----here in Archives.

And YES I do have Favorites---- and here are some of them. :     LOL of course I enjoy ALL
but Doyt Echelberger and  Chuck Carnohan ----shines.     ----in the literary and
educational department.---- and yes I am still at 73  working on my education ---make NO
mistake about it.---and I am NOT giving up ---take that ?.

Lately I started to get the drift of ---the guy in the entire state ---and I like what I
read.-----mindset is very important ---here in Bunny Bondos Lair.---Jah -?---- Energy is
on the front burner right now----so that is what I am going to concentrate on.    America
has food stamps or the like ? --Jah ? for the economically stressed ? ----If Hagar was
D   ----the same sort of system would apply to ALL things ---and the PUMPS.    ---Screw
the  Arnolds and the Trumps or the ugly American --bitch --in PARIS  who thinks she is
deserving service after store hours---SHE did great harm to the name AMERIKAN.-----stick
it to her at the PUMP say I. ------- Now who makes a Country GREAT ?   --the mountains ?
or the desert ?  --BULLSHIT say I ---Great personalities.---PERSONS --Leaders.----was
Jesus a leader ?   bet your sweet ass.----NO I am not a religious person -----but I know
what works.----- jah ? JAH ?
There is no word NO comma that Hagar did not read in the Bible and many times.   ----The
dudes who wrote that were some smart...guys --or ? Girls ?. ----This leads us to ---the
Cute who said WHAT would Jesus drive ? -----what was her name Huffington Spuffington or
something ?   she was on a CRUSADE against SUV's ----way back.---aside from the fact that
she was right -----her TIMING was off.
She was way ahead of her time. ----As GOD I would bless her.(good woman).
Any of you guys (Amerikans)---who do not know where the --or why --the UGLY Amerikan came
from ---shit just ask  Hagar  ----he knows.----and by the way the Melancholic Dane ?
BULLSHIT utter bullshit.--------that is as stupid as calling Italians melancholic ?   give
me a break.---SHIT.---
Yeas I am a DANE ---but NO NOT melancholic ---yes Sentimental ?  YES--- Compassionate ?
yes ----TOLERANT ? yes VERY..-----and was my Amerikan journey ----super the best ? bet
your sweet ass.


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