[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 181 ----( USA Energy Bill and Hagar. )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Jul 29 15:17:10 EDT 2005

I Hagar never dreamed that there  would be such a response to this thread ---BUT
wow----TAXES and MORE Taxes is my domain ---stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

If you grow up with 90% tax --from the day you were born ?   ----a problem ?  NO it is OK
.....----all is OK.

BUT let me tell you a couple of TAX TALES. ----- my favorite is the one from Denmark about
a Lawyer named Mogens Glistrup ----and let me tell you my American and Canadian friends
you think you pay TAX ? ---Bullshit say I. ----as bad as the IRS is ---they are amateurs
compared to the scumbags in Copenhagen.----The worlds best Tax collectors are to be found
in my Wonderful Copenhagen.Not only BEST---but most BRUTAL.

So one day some years ago they accused Mogens of Tax evasion.----that was a blunder class
a one.
He then starts a NEW political party  ---with a platform .  ----If elected --income TAX is
gone ---period ---Army Navy and Airforce ---disbanded   and replaced with a tape recording
saying we surrender in Ruskie.
Well hells bells that shook up things -----He Mogens got so many votes that
the ---scumbags shivered in their shoes. ----LOL.----a copy in Kalifornia was Bill 13 I
I Hagar will gladly pay 90% of my income in Taxes ---IF ----IF the money is well spent.
Canadians and Danes do get good value for the tax dollar --IMHO  ---Amerikans ? I do not
know really.
Notice that those scumbags get elected on a promise of lower Taxes ----BUT when in office
?      take a good close look.-----A fee on everything ? is NOT a Tax ? ---kiss my ass
Mr,Campbell.  What really burns my ass --is that the fees go in to GENERAL
revenue ----gasoline tax ? check it out. The roads are not being paved ?-----BUT the
scumbags get a Pension for life.

I Hagar better quit before I get really going.


PS : a revolution may be the way ?  ---Jah ?----need a Leader ?   I am unemployed-.----

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