[Vwdiesel] retorqueing

Area31 Research Facility stephensrw at stn.net
Sun Jul 31 01:27:56 EDT 2005

"Stretch bolts. 30Nm /44Nm /90°/90° and you're done."

Yikes!  That sure looked foreign to my experience.  That looks like
navigational instructions. 30 Nautical miles/ 40 Nautical miles, north pole,
south pole (the earth's poles are each 90 degrees from the equator).

My own torque wrench is not calibrated in Nautical miles, so foot pounds and
inch pounds is the game I know.

The only newtons I am familiar with are called Fig Newtons.  Ergo a newton
meter must be a measuring device that measures some parameter of these
delicious cookies.

Staying selectively metric to preserve my sanity

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Arnott" <jrasite at eoni.com>
To: "Area31 Research Facility" <stephensrw at stn.net>
Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2005 12:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] retorqueing

Stretch bolts. 30Nm /44Nm /90°/90° and you're done.

" This is the stage of tightening when you think the bolt is about to
break or snap. The difference with this plastic stage is that at this
point the bolt may not return to the original length when removed. In
the plastic stage not a lot of extra clamping tension is reached but
the bolt will tend to hold the required clamping tension even as the
gasket crushes in service. This feature has allowed manufacturers to
suggest that a head re-tension is not necessary."


" Considering all of the above and after consulting some of the largest
re-manufacturers in Australia our conclusions are that UMR ENGINES will
remove the head re-tension as a requirement of the first service on
engines with TTY head bolts. Every other UMR Engine application where
the head bolts are tensioned in the elastic stage only will still
require head re-tensioning."

So, considering the original torquing instructions (30Nm /44Nm
/90°/90°)... What would you torque them to?


On Saturday, July 30, 2005, at 08:48 PM, Area31 Research Facility wrote:

> If it were me I'd be re-torqueing at no more than about 100 miles and
> while
> the engine is warm.  Don't loosen any of the head bolts, just turn
> them in
> the clockwise tightening direction with the torque wrench until the
> specified torque is reached.  If they move before reaching the torque
> they
> needed it.
> Others may have other advise.  Like I said, this is how "I" would do
> it.
> Rob
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "rOLf peCHUkas" <rbp at 4u2bu.org>
> To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>; <ev_update at yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005 8:41 PM
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] retorqueing
> hey all
> I have run a couple hundred miles on my rebuilt head w/o retorquing
> there was no heat-up/loosen/tighten spec on the slip that came with the
> head gasket (Erling)
> and I couldn't find anything in Bentley
> but am I doing something wrong?
> am I supposed to loosen and re-torque my head bolts at some point?
> (I dimly remember something about 1000 miles)
> what's the collective wisdom here?
> (this is a '93 Eurovan diesel Canadian n/a AAB-type engine)
> (the torque sequence I followed - per Erling - was 30Nm /44Nm /90°/90°-
> I did that all cold w/ no heat-up/run-in or anything)
> thanks
> Rolf
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