[Vwdiesel] Camshaft sprocket slip ---- ( " The Final Solution " ).
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Jun 5 10:48:41 EDT 2005
I Hagar joyned this discussion in may 2005 ------- when it got to the "Expert" stage.
Intending to give my best to newbies --- well if you are a newbie ? and NOT paranoid ?
better start NOW.
As a newbie you are likely to forget ---the GOLDEN rule -------you want to get going ? RIGHT ?.
Rule ? here it is : Do NOT do as I DO , DO as I should have done. -----naw just kidding.
Rule: double check , triple check and then check again. before hitting that START button.
Read what the "Experts" have to say about the slipping camshaft sprocket. ---and here they are
IMHO . : Val Christian , James Hansen , Mark Shepherd , Loren , Hagar , and a few FEW more.
I Hagar have no problems with a slipping Camshaft sprocket Tale ---- BUT a slipping
Crankshaft sprocket ? ---that one is a NO NO . Could only happen if not installed
correctly to start with . ( Rabbits 1977 to 1984 ). The bolt ? put BLUE Locktite on it
and tighten to spec. ---Remember to put in the key.. IMHO IT will never slip.
If turning engine by socket set (like I DO ?) --turn in direction of tightening only. ---Unless the
Injectors are out.
Like James Hansen I have looked at the taper angle , total Wetted area and pitch on
bolt thread and tightening torque ( 34 foot lps ? ) ----camshaft sprocket slip ? ----
IMHO NEVER if done to German specs. ----- Use steel blue ink it should show
100% contact between sprocket and ---Camshaft. -----When installing do not
forget to give sprocket a little tap ---on final tightening.
PS : has Hagar had a VW thing slip ? ---NEVER --- BUT other tapers and sprockets
? ---too many to mention. ---BUT NEVER one that I installed. Remember
flywheel magnetos ? shearing the keys and so on ? if you understand that. --Then you know
that tapers DO slip and even break the keys.
footnote : If Val Christian say that he had a VW installed camshaft sprocket slip ?
I believe him. -----Them Germans are good ---BUT NOT perfect.
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