[Vwdiesel] going price of 1.6L turbo diesel engine

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Jun 5 12:44:30 EDT 2005

If the inj pump and turbo are in good shape, they are each worth some money on 
their own. 
Shawn Wright

Justin   and ALL  :

I Hagar agrees with  the others------   price is OK .     Go and inspect  .      If    it is  OK ?
get it FAST .

These little Jewels are getting  popular   --in part to this forum.       I offered the  Bunny Bondo
engine to   Shawn Wright in   2003   for 600 dollars canadian.     Even today in a thousand pieces she
is worth    350 dollars US.

The deal with  Shawn did not come off NO fault of Shawns. -----Blame it on   Scott Kair  and  Val.
They made me ---AT LEAST TRY THE TURBO.   ----I did not want no bloody turbo.

After I drove it     ?????        offer was withdrawn. by me ---shame on you old Hagar.

Final answer ?    ---YES    from a 1.6L VW   Rabbit Turbo  1984.   ---- driver.

Wish I could show you all  my fuel bills and mileage driven   ----since 2003.------- I
doule checked it ,triple checked it and checked it again.    ----78 miles to the gallon Imp.

Next to NO soot in lube oil  ---and  NO smoke from tailpipe.    This year    maybe I will change
 her oil , whether she needs it or not.


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