[Vwdiesel] 2005 TDIs

Val Christian val at mongobird.com
Fri Jun 10 07:05:30 EDT 2005

I was talking with the service manager at our local dealership, and he told
me about a repair they just did on an 05 Jetta.  He says VW is really trying 
to make the Jetta a more upscale car.  But what really caught my ear
was the description of the engine.  I may have this wrong, but apparently,
there is a cam controlled injection system for each cylinder, with no
single pump.  (Scalable motor?)  They had a car in under warranty with 
three out of four injectors bad, and each cylinder was a $1000 parts bill.
And you pull the cam.

Interesting, and I'll have to read more about it when the snow flies.


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