[Vwdiesel] Fuel 101 -- ( The Hydrogen discussion )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Jun 11 22:08:15 EDT 2005

Here is a bit about Hagars view on Hydrogen power. .

Firstly it is expensive at this time  --- so do not twist my words to say that I consider it
an answer to the fuel shortage. (in the past someone suggested that Hagar does not like Syn Lube )
I like synthetic lubricants. ----Read all of Val Christian to see the answer.

Why do I like Diesels so much ?    ---- many reasons ---BUT one reason stands out---
NEXT TO NO FIRE HAZARD   ---I like that.         With Gasoline or Gasses like Propane Butane
or Hydrogen  etc.------ there is a HAZARD.-----very high.      IMHO   in comparison..

I first saw a diesel   in about   1936    and by chance it was pushing a big bag  of HYDROGEN.

Hindenburg.       -----    So let me explain why I like Hydrogen so much .

In the great white north  ---we open spillways on dams ----like crazy.      Millions and Millions
of kW  hours wasted.  ----All that energy could be bottled as a process of splitting WATER.

Byproducts ?      Heavy Water and Oxygen.    ---   The hydrogen can be stored and transported 
and does not deteriorate or  require any particular maintenance.     A perfect solution to  smog in LA
If  used as follows.

Small  diesel  electric .   Small fuel cell .  BIG Battery.     ---creeping along in traffic ?     perfect  EH ?
NO emission and  little noise.

I ask my literary Guardian   Chuck Carnohan and my scientific   professor    Doyt Echelberger to
keep an eye on me.

Doyt  --- Question  ----HOW ?   did the Germans fill all those bags with hydrogen ?-----I have
computer problems  ,--- or I would find it on the net.     How did they make the Gas ?.

In California  ----what sort of pressure is used at filling stations. ?   -----    from here to  LA ?
very little shipping cost.

I cant wait to get a few weather balloons and fill them with Hydrogen.

I am happy to see Lobster Mike getting     " SMILEAGE "   ----way to go Mike . Too bad I have
no way of getting the mini engine to you.-----

Bunny Bondo  (1984)   beat the panties of  Mex.  Jetta 2001   2L gasser   as far as smileage is
concerned.   Will report when I get exact numbers.  (  he said  50 mpg  Imp ).


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