[Vwdiesel] Vimy bomber replica

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Jun 24 09:23:06 EDT 2005

What d'ja say James Hansen ?   ---dark green ? ----- time to take
a second look at that Kinner.

Sandy Cameron -------them are super pictures .    The size of those  propetillars.
are something.

Thank you for sharing them with us flyboys and everybody here.

A small explanation of this thread to Newbies. :

I lived for a few years in Sandy Cameron land   ---and for some time in Rockcliffe.
near Ottawa Canada. ----and Sandy Cameron ---your VW Starter man  and 
I know lots and lots of the same people.    ----you have problems with your
VW starter ?  --read all his threads in archives.

Hagar.  ---- part time flyboy   ----- mostly at the local watering hole.

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