[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 170 ----( Hagars "Smileage" crusade. )
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Jun 26 22:00:20 EDT 2005
I Hagar can hardly contain my enthusiasm ---to be able to write this
as fuel is getting more and more expensive --and the SMOG is getting thicker.
I am NOT going to take credit for what follows ---- that belongs to ALL of us.
" From beginning to the end there is only one hero-----the people."
Jules Michelet.
Sorry I do not know what he was talking about or who he was. ( just like the ring of it ).
It was Val Christians thread about his 16 year old daughter wanting the old Jetta Diesel,
that got me fired up -------- how many other kids out there that might get hooked ?---
boys girls ----If they get fired up now ? 50 years from now ? think about it ----
we could start a fad. ------T shirts saying I did a VE pump ---instead of ---
"If IT aint hard --its not worth a fuxx" ----- So my message is sell the kids one or two of those
spare Rabbits.------and a copy of the Bentley and the BOSCH book---------
Diesel-engine management SAE international. 2nd Edition. ISBN 0-7680-0509-4 .
I keep thinking about how the BEETLE ---took off in USA ---why not a Rabbit diesel ?.
So there you go Loren --- I am going to offer some substantial prizes to ---different
categories of TUNERS and troubleshooters and so on. I am working out details right now.
The TOP reward will be to a 16 to 18 year ---- best Smileage TUNER . The start
will be at the Lorens NW Dieselfest at Pacific beach. ---- Remember James Hansen
telling us about the world record for changing engine on a BEETLE ? along those
lines. Combinations are endless. I instructed slowbird to inform you if I die.
The prize will be set aside in my will and testament. After starting taking low
doze daily Aspirins I seem to do better. No nitro for a week.
Here are some of the groups I have in mind.
! . Smileage.
2 . Nifty Tools and Procedures.
3 . General Diesel knowledge.
4 . Yes lets have some input ?
Remember us Hams with our Foxhunts ? ----and collecting QSL cards ?
Now is the time for the DIESELS. And us flyboys ? Balloon busting and
spot-landings ? ---was it fun FUN or what. ?
And for the little ones ? a sand-castle demonstration by the kids. For us
Diesel TUNERS while we sample the Cider and other fuels.
Yes they may put a crab on my back or a frog in my sleeping bag . That seems to
entertain ---the kids. ---------
PS : Listening to RadioHerz (German) Toronto ----lots of yodeling. ? EH ? and oomph
pa bah. In advance I offer a good prize for the best Essay about Rudolf Diesel. From any
student anywhere . Notify me by Email.---OK ?
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