[Vwdiesel] Re: [Audi-VW-Diesels] Re: 85 VW Golf NA - No Go

Bud cvaf4u at rhinocat.com
Tue Jun 28 11:17:23 EDT 2005

Took it out this morning and after a few miles the joint is making 
noise.  Drove it last night and had no problems.

Is there supposed to be a spacer on the tranny flange?  I get the 
feeling that the shaft is being stretched.

My FLAPS guy says he's calling the remanufacturer.

Would a problem with the tranny cause the inner cv to fail?


LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
> I've started just buying new joints and 
> installing them on my axles. 
> -Shalyn the cynical. 
>   Guess I'm one too then.  I'd say it's Shalyn the sensible!  Sure, you're 
> spending as much money on ONE joint than for two with an axle but 
> then you're getting NEW instead of used basically.  EVERYONE 
> pretty much tells me I'm daft including the ones I buy the joints 
> from!  "They're guaranteed" they always say.  So what.  I'd rather 
> put in a good one once than a replaced-for-free one a couple or 
> four times!  I like being able to TRUST the parts I'm putting in!
>      Loren
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