[Vwdiesel] engine movement
David Cook
vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 29 11:41:33 EDT 2005
Actually, some of the 134a kits have oils that are
okay with the R12 systems. You can just buy the
retrofit kit (comes with new attachments that screw on
top of the old ones, etc) and go at it. I thought the
same as you until I was told to use it by the mechanic
at work.
I even used the kit on an older pop machine with
A lot of those other R12 replacement kits have nothing
more than PROPANE that you are adding to the system.
Depending on the system, 134a may not cool as well as
R12, but I really think it just depends on the car--it
cools just great in the Corrado (after having been
converted) and you've gotta turn the a/c down after
not too long.
--- slatersfb at aol.com wrote:
> That mount allows considerable movement even when
> new - to isolate vibration. It also allows the
> engine to pitch fore & aft on acceleration and
> deceleration. My neighbor bought these urethane
> inserts that fit into the mount and eliminate slop.
> Fore & aft pitching is gone, but considerable
> vibration is transmitted to body now. Plastic
> dashboard parts buzz & it feels ragged, not the
> smooth ride of an A2.
> 134a is not nearly as cold as r12, plus the oils are
> not compatible. There are better r12 replacements on
> the market: DURACOOL and FREEZE 12 are drop in
> repalcements, cool better than 134a and the oils are
> compatible.
> Put 12 volts direct to A/C clutch. At least you will
> then know clutch is ok. Low pressure in system will
> prevent A/C clutch engaging.
> Bob in NY
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mikitka <mikitka at earthlink.net>
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Sent: Tue, 28 Jun 2005 20:30:18 -0400
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] engine movement
> I replaced all my engine mounts when I installed the
> engine last year. I
> purchased them from German Auto Dealers online. I
> paid a good penny for
> them. The question I have is the one on the pack
> passenger side on my 91
> Jetta moves quite a bit. How much is too much? I
> can rock the engine pretty
> easy and it seems to move freely as that it will
> rock a second after you
> move it. At least it isn't to hard to replace but
> since it isn't that old
> it shouldn't move much right?
> Also is it worth converting to the new AC system? I
> have three cans of R12
> still. My system is not working, the compressor
> turns but does not turn on,
> possibly low charge? I really have not checked it
> to see. Any suggestions?
> Nick
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David Cook
Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
Red '90 g60 Corrado
Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
and others in various states of disrepair
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