[Vwdiesel] Ring Break-In and Oil use... Alien view

Mark Shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Wed Mar 2 21:22:41 EST 2005


>Here is an interesting read on break in techniques. I know
it refers to
>spark ignition engines but I would think there are some
valid points.


I remember finding this link a couple of years ago and if I
didn't post it here I'd posted it over at Yahoo...
It's a very interesting site which has originated AFAIK from
the knowledge developed by motor cycle engineer/enthusiasts
and was found to apply to cars etc too.
Read the section on 'unenlarged' intake valves for optimum
powers at high RPM...

One thing that defies explanation (especially when talking
to myself ;o) is how hard driving beds the rings in when the
rings are free to rotate? All I can picture is an oval
rotating inside an oval (I'm trying to think of which of my
previous engines had the alignment pins in the ring channels
that stopped rotation of the rings and so would allow
true[er] 'bedding in' Maybe reinstalling this item would
improve both the bedding in and keep gas leakage/blowby down
by maintaining  maximum leakage path....
Chew on that guys.

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