[Vwdiesel] Local price of diesel- Good friggin' grief!

Tom Krummell tomcat5 at tomsvw.com
Thu Mar 3 02:47:00 EST 2005

Here in the Sacramento area diesel is now hovering at $2.46 per gallon.  
That would be 64.9 cents (US) per liter.

Get over to McDonalds when they drain the french fryer!

Tom Krummell
Roseville, CA

Sandy Cameron wrote:

>At 06:23 PM 2/25/05 -0400, you wrote:
>>Wife just told me gas went up 3 or 4 cents a liter, to 89.9, so diesel will
>>likely be $1.00/L within a week.
>>Freaking  highway robbery ! ! ! !
>Guess I'd better put in some more fryer oil tomorrow.

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