[Vwdiesel] ECO runaway blunder

HWY9FERGS at cs.com HWY9FERGS at cs.com
Thu Mar 3 14:10:14 EST 2005

It has been a very interesting thread!  Again, thanks to all who have 
contributed.  I've come to find out that mine might not have run away on me if I had 
not had the crank case overfilled by approx. 2 or more quarts of oil DUH. When 
I was trouble shooting the "oil in coolant" problem, I wanted to double check 
and make sure there wasn't coolant in the oil (could indicate bad oil cooler 
instead of head gasket).  I popped off the drain plug and drained out a quart 
or two and later (two or three weeks) when I was almost done forgot I hadn't 
emptied it all out.  Anyway everything else seems to be just fine, although the 
amount of blowby I have might come down a tad if I run some stuff to decarbon 
the rings.  You all make this a GREAT list.  Keep up the good work!  Doug

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