[Vwdiesel] boots, ties, and dressing for the ball

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Fri Mar 4 21:25:16 EST 2005

I recently had to replace a CV joint and ball joint on the '85 Jetta.  
After doing that, I went to get it aligned and the shop refused to do 
it.  They said that there was too much play in inner tie rod ends and 
it'd be a waste of money.  I knew that before I went in, so I picked up 
some tie rods and laid out under the car.  Looking at it, though, I'm 
beginning to be afraid that Bentley may be right and it may be necessary 
to remove the steering rack to get the tie rods in/out.  There's 
absolutely no room to get a wrench in there.  Anyone have a genius way 
to get in there?  The procedure for pulling the rack doesn't look easy.  
I guess it'd be a good chance to fix that rather impressive steering 
fluid leak, but I'm rather in a hurry.  I may have to just tell them to 
align it anyways.  It was very drivable before I pulled it apart.  I'm 
going to try and get it sort of close with a laser pointer and some PVC 
pipe.  Maybe I'll get lucky. 


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