[Vwdiesel] Battery talks for beginners # 3. ---( The "Cold War" and the Battery ).

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Mar 8 16:58:17 EST 2005

and they perform remarkably well here in the deep freeze.

James Hansen    name me one AGM   that will light a cigar at  minus 50 C  and I
will show you a battery that just loves 50 C minus and still starts  "Bunny Bondo" no

Due to the low 95 %  or so of absorbed electrylyte in a AGM battery  ---my information shows that
AGM is ok at low low temperatures --as long as you don't want to start.  NO output period..
BUT at least they can be used after thawing out.

In a normal  car battery  ----never let it sit discharged in the cold  ---fully charged it will
freeze at a much lower temperature.

My life has been one type of battery after another.  ---I started with a CHRYSTAL set
no battery.  ---then to a battery radio   1.5 V for the filaments and at least  90 volts
for the Anodes.  Think a minute ?   90 Volts ?  that takes a lot of 1.5 Volt in
series.  and that is lots of money ?   -----yeah   BUT I was as addicted to RADIO
as you are to TV .

In those days that was like a flat screen full wall TV today.     ----Then as a HAM  I
dicovered  12 Volt anode ? Tubes  ---great leap forward. ----well after that there was NO
way of stopping the little bastard "HAGAR"  ----1957 I  met the Transistor.  ---what a
leap forward.   I was being trained by a Polak engineer by the name of  Jan Sheruba
in the Toronto Can area.  and he picked me up in the mornings in his car. On the dash
was a crude transistor  RADIO. ---------I would go home and listen to the best most
modern danish made portable battery RADIO   ---still got it   .  The last tube  RADIO
portable ever made ?  Got to admit it is a very nice design.  "Et Hanefjed foran " ---
A cock step ahead ?  ---bullshit . -------Remember 78 ?  45 ? 33 ?  ---and then the CD ?
overnight all else was obsolete.

James ?  the ramblings of an old demented geezer ?  I have to agree.

Hagar .

PS :  but FUN was had.     Sandy Cameron ---hang on to those NiFe batteries
you got. --EH ?.

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