[Vwdiesel] Leans diesels, this n' that.
James Hansen
jhsg at sasktel.net
Sat Mar 19 00:30:27 EST 2005
Our 97 Passat gets over 60mpg routinely. two passenger "smart" car gets 80.
Big whoop. The Passat is a real car. Driving technique has a whole bunch
to do with it. If you want to be able to drive the comparative piss out of
it with a big leaden foot, you need an anemic little fluffball to get some
mileage. If you can keep your boot out of it, you can drive a tdi for a lot
of mileage. My wife can routinely. I on the other hand am not so fortunate
in the big foot dept... as mine is heavier, and have the tickets to prove
it... but still get 50 in the Passat tdi. I consider it to be a truly
remarkable car.
-----Original Message-----
From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com]On
Behalf Of Smith, Michael
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 1:33 PM
To: 'vwdiesel-bounces+michael.smith=rvh.nb.ca at vwfans.com'; 'H . Hagar.';
vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Leans diesels, this n' that.
All I want to know is....can I go from my current ~50MPG (imp) to 78MPG...or
100MPG...and if so,
exactly HOW do I do it?........(just by tweaking, and not by buying
new/improved parts....that would defeat
the whole purpose of saving money by increasing MPG. (86Golf 1.6 NA)
OT: The new "SMART" cars should begin arriving in NB very soon. They are
799cc DIESEL engines
and are way cool for the motorist only needing a 2 seater with minimum cargo
room. I saw one in person....the
only(at that time) SMART in NB. (back in the fall). AFAIK the ones the USA
will eventually get will be gas engines.
They have both gas and diesel in the UK AFAIK too.
I'd buy one myself, but have a young son, so all 3 (Mum,Dad,boy) couldn't
travel at one time, so not feasible.
I tell you....at something like 80MPG, it sure got my blood pumping.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vwdiesel-bounces+michael.smith=rvh.nb.ca at vwfans.com
> [SMTP:vwdiesel-bounces+michael.smith=rvh.nb.ca at vwfans.com] On Behalf Of H
> . Hagar.
> Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 3:15 PM
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] Diesel octane or why can you run a diesel engine
> lean?
> Ok I hagar will say this. :
> ANYTHING to the left is LEAN anyting to the right is RICH. That is by
> convention and
> definitions in all the combustion processes that I know of.
> 100------------------------------lean-------------------------ZERO--------
> ------------------rich------------------100.
> Bob in entire New York you need to study a bit more ----let me recommend
> Diesel Engine management by Robert Bosch . -You need to fine TUNE
> your understanding of the BOSCH fuel system for Rabbits.
> Lean and Rich comes in many shades ----enter Hagars Hillbilly Tuning
> -----it locates
> the optimum point for Economy or if thats what you like POWER.
> Here is a challenge : I get more miles out of a gallon due to better
> coumbustion
> by increasing manifold pressure. If you can make a NA go as far as a
> Turbo
> You are not measuring correctly. and I like you to put money on it. .By
> calculation
> I know that I can get 100 MPG imp ----stick that in your pipe and SMOKE.
> If you are a gas sniffer ---you need to read about Diesel Fundamentals.
> ----here are a
> few tit bits. Moving the Pump does not control ignition point -- it
> moves Injection
> point. It is NOT like moving a gasser distributer. How many pounds does
> it take
> to oxidize a pund of gasoline ? 12 ? may need to be adjusted according
> to DEMENTIA factor.
> Hagar.
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