[Vwdiesel] Diesel octane or why can you run a diesel engine lean?

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Mar 19 12:39:44 EST 2005

Ignition begins when injection begins. --- Bob in Entire state.

Bob  can I hagar  interest you in joining the "PUMP GANG" ?   we are a group
who refused to accept --that the Pumps could not be done by  DIY  fanatics.

We say BULLSHIT  --it was made by MAN it can be fixed by MAN. (pun intended)

I was quoted 5000 dollars Canadian for a pump for my OLD  1982 1.6 L NA Rabbit 

that did it  --I joined the Pump Gang --- and driving by that station sign with the 
price`?   at 78 miles to a gallon imp ?  in a 4 door 1984 Rabbit  1.6 L turbo -------?
20 years old and purring like a kitten ?---reminds me of FLASHDANCE   I arrived.
I made it .   OK OK so I make it out more than it really is ---but the pride and joy is
showing ---it was a LOT of reading and experimenting.  To me ? it is like winning
a GOLD medal in the diesel olympics..

So BOB be prepared to modify your understanding of how things work  ----like
a lot of us.

PS :    Injection point and point of ignition  are NOT the same.    And Flashdance ?
I saw the Royal Ballet of Copenhagen  ---and I doubt that any of those dames could spin on
shoulderblades like that. ---And NO stealership can TUNE an old Rabbit to my satisfaction
NO how NO way.

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