[Vwdiesel] Diesel octane or why can you run a diesel engine lean?

Erik Lane erikjlane at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 19 12:52:04 EST 2005

> PS :    Injection point and point of ignition  are NOT
> the same.    And Flashdance ?
> I saw the Royal Ballet of Copenhagen  ---and I doubt that
> any of those dames could spin on
> shoulderblades like that. ---And NO stealership can TUNE
> an old Rabbit to my satisfaction
> NO how NO way.

Are you maybe using these words in a different way than the
rest of people? I'm honestly asking and not trying to infer

Because everything I've read on the diesel process says
that the temperatures in the cylinder are so hot that the
fuel bursts into flame the instant that it is introduced to
the cylinder. So the timing of when that happens is
critical to proper running of the engine. This seems to me
to completely contradict what you say about ignition point
and injection point NOT being the same thing. From my
understanding they are necessarily the same, unless the
pump is grossly out of time. (I once managed to time mine
180 degrees off! Embarassing, but true. It was the first
pump I had ever timed and couldn't find the mark so marked
it myself and forgot that it too ran at 1/2 crank speed.)
So then ignition didn't start until the cylinder actually
had compression. The darn thing still ran, but had all
kinds of white smoke and no power. If the pump is timed
right it seems to me it starts injection just a hair before
TDC and the fuel flashes to flame immediately.


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