[Vwdiesel] '00 Jetta TDI brake lockup

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Mar 20 00:47:21 EST 2005

  First thing I'd check for is a shot brake pad.  Cousin was working on his 
Ford pu the other week.  One brake was locking or pulling or such. 
Checked the suspect one and both pads were about 75%.  His Dad 
went ahead and put the jack under the other side and pulled the wheel. 
He wasn't really going to bother.  Pad looked good.  Then I took a look 
at the inside pad and it was all but completely gone!
  Worth looking at ALL the pads/shoes.  Many will check one or two 
of the 8 and decide all is well when it may not be.

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